Friday, July 26, 2013

Trip to Oregon

We just got back from spending a fun week in Oregon seeing family and friends. Here are a few highlights:

It was great to catch up with some good friends/roommates from college. A big thanks to them for their hospitality!
We spent several days with my dad's family... but, sadly, I was too busy talking and laughing to remember to take pictures until it was too late! I always enjoy seeing my uncles, aunts, and cousins, and this time it was special that Fernando could meet them. I am very grateful for all they did to make us feel at home, and for all of the fun conversations we shared. I already miss them! Here's a picture of Fernando with the newest member of the family:

From there we visited good friends who also continually bless us and those we work with in Honduras through their prayer and generosity. We enjoyed fishing with them on a lake, as well as sharing about what is going on in our lives.

We also had lunch with one of my mom's college friends and her husband. Not only was it good to see them, but it was special because God used her life to lead my mom to Christ.

Before returning to Washington, we enjoyed some time at the Oregon coast so Fernando could see the Pacific Ocean. You might notice we are more accustomed to the warm, breezy Caribbean, and not the cold, windy Northwest coast! But, we still had a great time.

We thank God for safe travels, good health, and the family and friends He has given us, who have encouraged us and are such an important part of our lives and ministry.

As we gear up for a busy month of August, with a full schedule of meeting with friends and supporters, we invite you to pray that:
  • We would walk closely with the Spirit and keep our eyes on Jesus in the midst of busyness.
  • God would use us to encourage everyone we spend time with.
  • God would prepare opportunities for us to share about how others can be involved in helping Garifuna pastors receive adequate ministry preparation and supporting the growth of the Garifuna church.
  • The Holy Spirit would clearly lead those He calls to partner with us, and that God would richly bless them.
Thank you for your prayers, care for our lives, and support for our brothers and sisters in Honduras!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Praises and Happenings from Our First Weeks in Washington

Hi everyone! Here is an overview of what our first few weeks in Washington have looked like:

Piles of Paperwork
  • We've been compiling information for Fernando's citizenship application are looking forward to the day when immigration paperwork is a thing of the past!
It feels endless...!

  • Fernando has been studying for his driver's license test and will soon start studying for his citizenship civics test.
  • We mailed out our summer newsletter along with an updated brochure about our work in Honduras and a prayer card with a new picture. Amidst all the stamps and envelopes (!), it was fun to write personal notes to people. (Please let us know if you are not yet on our mailing list and would like to be added! We'd love to send you a prayer card.)

Involvement at Church
  • We have attended both English and Spanish services at my home church, Grace Community in Auburn, and it's been fun to see lots of people and introduce them to Fernando. Everyone has given us a very warm welcome and made us feel at home!
  • We shared about our ministry with the Hispanic church family, and Fernando gets to play soccer with the men on Sunday afternoons.

  • Last summer, I met with the small group that "adopted" us as missionaries and prays for us, and now we get to join them each week. They're currently doing a study on parenting, so, as parents-to-be, we are soaking up all we can.
  • I've been attending a weekly women's Bible study and really like getting to know them women as we study God's Word together.

Filling the Calendar
  • We have been preparing travel itineraries for our trip to Oregon this month and a trip to the Midwest this fall.
  • We've seen some family, friends, and supporters, and we're looking forward to seeing many more in the coming months! The best part is hearing about their lives, introducing them to Fernando, and sharing about how God is working in Honduras.
Sharing our happy baby news with my aunt

  • We have been blessed by the kindness and hospitality continually extended to us. THANK YOU! Please do let us know if you'd like to meet for coffee or a meal, or if you'd like us to share at your church or with a group of friends. We'd love to see you.
New Experiences for Fernando

It's been fun to introduce Fernando to places, food, and activities that are part of life here:
  • My dad took Fernando fishing at a lake in the mountains.

  • Fernando and I went up to Lake Tipsoo.

  • Some good friends invited us to a BBQ on 4th of July. 


Thank you to...
  • Our friends Morgan and Genevieve for giving us a printer they no longer needed.
  • My friend Rachael for giving me some maternity clothes.
  • My wonderful parents for home-cooked meals and helping us get settled.
  • Our Honduran friends and family who call and email us (we miss them so much!).
  • Everyone who has invited us to their home, shared a meal with us, prayed for us and our baby, and made us feel so welcome. We love you!