Hello, friends! It's been a long time since I (Alison) have ridden a bike. If I tried, it probably would feel funny at first, but I'm sure it wouldn't take long for my legs and arms to remember what to do.
A few weeks ago I was invited to teach at two different women's events -- for the first time in about two years! This time in 2013 we were about to go to the U.S. for furlough and support raising, and when we returned I had Baby J (now Toddler J!). Since then, my ministry contributions have been mostly behind-the-scenes, until this past month.
I didn't realize how much I missed teaching! When I first began to prepare, it felt strange and bit awkward; it probably took me much longer than it used to. However, I enjoyed the process of praying about what God would have me share, digging into Scripture, and brainstorming creative activities for participants to learn from. I also forgot how much I like to interact with groups of women and spontaneously adapt a teaching plan to specific circumstances in the moment.
I ended up sharing from 1 King 19, when the prophet Elijah had just experienced the greatest victory in his calling but suddently found himself exhausted and depressed. We looked at God's provisions to him and patience with him in that situation. In Honduras, we also celebrate Mother's Day in May, and the focus was on how this text teaches us about God's character and care for us when, as mothers, we find ourselves worn out, lonely, or disappointed.
I would look very ungraceful if I tried to ride a bike right now, and my teaching plan was certainly not flawless, but God's Word and the Holy Spirit are beautifully powerful in spite of human weakness. How good it is to know that we can do our best and rely on God to work beyond our own plans and abilities.
I've also started inviting women in our neighborhood to get together for Bible study once a week. We are using the BILD First Principles materials, which some of the GarÃfuna seminary students have been using in their churches. We look at passages that address basic principles of the Christian faith and discuss key points as a group.
What I love the most so far is that the women have raised questions and controversial issues they want to understand better. I also am happy to have teaching visuals gracing our living room wall! Praise God for the opportunity to share His Word with other women using our home as a welcoming place to gather.
In the next post I'll share about another activity I've resumed and God's gracious timing in it. Thanks for reading and praying for us!
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