Friday, November 21, 2014

Fernando's Trip Report

Dear friends, thank you for praying for Fernando's trip to the U.S. and for those who gave special gifts to cover the cost. Here is a report with praises for what God did:

BILD Conference: Training and Fellowship

Fernando attended the annual BILD International Summit in Ames, Iowa, for the second year in a row. Leaders in theological training programs around the world attend this event to receive classes, learn more about how BILD can assist their ministry programs, and hear about what the Lord is doing through BILD at an international level.

Fernando took two classes. One was about the leadership model of the New Testament church in Antioch, from which Paul and his apostolic team strategically spread the gospel throughout the Roman Empire. The other covered the essential teachings of the church: the kerygma, or message of salvation through Christ, and the didache, or the apostles' fundamental teachings in the New Testament epistles.

Class session
We praise God that Erick, a Garífuna pastor who lives in Houston, could attend the Summit for the first time and learn about how to train other Garífuna leaders in the U.S. He and Fernando enjoyed talking with people from India, France, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and many other countries. Not only did they gain information, but they also were encouraged in the work God has called them.

Fernando (far left) and Pastor Erick (far right) with other participants

Visiting Ministry Partners

Fernando spent several days in Minnesota to meet with prayer and financial partners. He shared at a supporting church, an excellent opportunity to talk about what God is doing and thank people for their role in helping the Garífuna church.

Garífuna Church in Houston

Fernando traveled back to Houston with Pastor Erick to spend time with his family and church. He gave the sermon at the Sunday service. It was a real blessing for him to spend time with them and see how eager Pastor Erick is to start teaching his church about the Christ and the apostles' teaching, as he learned about at the BILD Summit.

Follow-Up Praise

We thank God for providing replacement laptops for those that were stolen when our ministry office was robbed in September. Fernando, Alex, and Wilber are in a different office in a safer location. Thank you to those who prayed and gave special gifts to meet that need!

Finishing 2014

Garífuna Bible school students will meet for this year's final class session the first week of December. Pastor Mark will come and share again. You can pray for students' travels (more difficult in rural areas due to rainy season), for the Lord to speak into their lives and ministry, and for a strong finish to this year. Thank you!

Just for fun:
Baby J enjoying oranges, which abound this time of year

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