Friday, October 31, 2014

Typical Day Part 4: The Great Escape

"Part 4: The Great Escape" continues a blog series about "a typical day" for us in Honduras.

You can find the other parts here:
Part 1: Rise and Shine!
Part 2: A Somewhat Quiet Time
Part 3: Dinner Time?
Typical Day Part 5: Evenings and Expecting the Unexpected

Caribbean afternoons can feel sweltering and lethargic. (Hammock time, anyone?) In order to stay motivated and focused on whatever I need to do (even if it takes me longer than it would in morning), I look forward to a "great escape" at the end of the afternoon. When Baby J takes his second nap I work miscellaneous projects, such as analyzing Garífuna grammar, blogging, menu planning, helping Fernando with behind-the-scenes ministry tasks, etc. When Baby J gets up, weather permitting, we are both very ready to get out of the house!

"Let's go, Mom!"

Our neighborhood is home to other families who enjoy sitting or walking outside as the sun gets lower and the breeze becomes cooler. Baby J loves riding in his stroller in the fresh air and seeing other babies and kids, and I enjoy exercise with a view of the mountains.

We are getting to know some of our many Garífuna neighbors. In fact, lately I have had more of a language workout than physical exercise! I am looking forward to getting to know these other mothers and their kids, and especially to sharing the Gospel with those who are not yet believers.

Just the other day we stopped by someone's house, and Baby J was included in impromptu drumming while his little friends danced around the living room. He didn't want to leave!

A few things that might be different than going for a walk in a U.S. neighborhood:
  • We are wary of dogs roaming the streets. Usually they are harmless, but once I was almost bit on the ankle! (We don't go down that street anymore!)
  • Kids run up to say hi to Baby J, sometimes giving him a hug or "shaking" his hand. It's very cute, and it's a great way to meet people!
  • Boys of all ages love to gather to play soccer in the street, setting up rocks or flip-flops as goal posts.
  • People use part of their houses to set up pulperías, or small stores, and there are quite a few in our neighborhood. You can buy cell phone credit; basic food items, such as eggs, bread, rice, and more; everyday household ítems, like laundry soap, matches, and batteries; over-the-counter medicines; and more.

 What a typical pulpería looks like from the outside*...

...and the inside.*
It gets dark here around 6:00, so our escape comes to an end; we are tired and ready to go home and finish up the day. We always feel relaxed and refreshed when we get back.

Next time I'll finish the series talking about the end of the day, which sometimes is the least predictable: "Part 5: Evenings and Expecting the Unexpected."

*Pictures from: &


  1. Replies
    1. I don't always like it, but I wouldn't do too well with the winters in your part of the world. :)
