Saturday, October 4, 2014

Catching Up: Good News, Bad News, and More...

Hello everyone! Between travel, sickness, and a laptop problem I got behind on blogging, so this post is an overview of the past month or so.

As for ministry news:

Pastor Training: Worship and Leadership

Pastors met for another class session. Pastor Mark, from the U.S., taught about Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus, addressing pastoral work. Pastor Eric, a Garífuna pastor who lives in Houston, held discussions. Fernando led the BILD International portion with texts and discussion about churches being a "family of families."

Highlights included rich times of worship first thing each day and a pastor thanking Mark for his teaching, saying: "I had been guiding my church the wrong." We pray that each student will be more prepared to follow Paul's example of investing in emerging leaders, like Timothy and Titus.

The Not-So-Good News: Robbery

Fernando has rented an office space where he, Alex, and Wilber can work, since we now live in a house that does not have an office area. Earlier this week, an armed man forced one of the guys to wait in the bathroom while he stole the laptops they use for working on the Garífuna oral story project and for their college homework. Although the the material loss was significant, we are thankful he is OK and did not resist the thief. We like to focus on the many good things about Honduras, but it is impossible to ignore the level and impact of crime here. We appreciate prayer for God's protection.

Prayer Requests: What's around the Corner
  • We are looking for a pick-up truck for traveling back and forth to "Wageira" (pseudonym), the rural community where we live and minister. We praise God for His provision of funds and are asking Him for just the right vehicle, which would enable Fernando to travel more easily and oversee construction of the house.
  • Fernando and several other Bible school leaders plan to attend the annual BILD International Summit, where they will meet with leaders from around the world and learn more about how to implement this program in their ministries. Please pray for those who need visas, for plane tickets and flight itineraries, and for a productive trip.

As for family/personal news...

Baby J's First International Trip

I took Baby J to see my family in Washington - his first time on an airplane and my first time traveling with an infant. We made it! Baby J enjoyed the kind attention of those along our way: other travelers, flight attendants, and even security agents. :) It was well worth the long trip for Baby J to meet his grandpa and great-grandma (who is almost 90). He seemed to enjoy the cooler weather and, of course, being spoiled by his grandparents.

He is now eight months old! He loves "dancing," being read to, and giving "kisses."

Women's Bible Study

The women's Bible study group I meet with in La Ceiba has started up again, and I am grateful for being able to study God's Word in English and learn from the other women, most of whom are older than I and share a wealth of experience as wives, moms, missionaries, and Christ followers. I've written about how this group has blessed and couraged me here and here.

Rainy Season has Begun

The intense hot season is subsiding into refreshingly cooler weather and more frequent rains. This means I hang laundry early and keep an eye on the clouds, take more precautions while driving on roads with standing water, and enjoy cooking our midday meals much more than before! :) This is the view looking out our carport gate toward the mountains; it's a good day for laundry... at least for the moment!

Thank you for reading our news and standing with us in prayer. Coming soon: two book reviews and our fall newsletter.


  1. So glad your dad got to meet your sweet little man. And the burglary ... such a loss. Glad everyone is okay.


    1. Thank you, Glenda. How nice to share both the good and bad with friends. I'm enjoying your blog series this month!

  2. Thank you for sharing both the good news & the not so good news. May our Father continue to bless you, protect you & increase the effectiveness of your ministry. ..J is adorable!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment! We always appreciate prayer.

  3. Sorry to hear about the robbery! How scary! It's good to see pictures of your little cutie. Take care and God bless!

    1. Thank you, friend! Super happy about your recent news!!! (Can't remember if I actually told you or not! :O)
